this complex peacock ice sculpture design depicts the peacock with his tail fan spread out behind him.
updated 11/20/23 with the video and 7/15/23 with some seo and reformatting mostly
a pretty damn elaborate peacock ice sculpture design
This design was originally published in a newsletter sometime around June or July of 2003. I added text about Gourmet Display, since they don’t have the same name anymore.
“Two-sided Peacock”
Dawson List, New Orleans, LA
This design depicts a rather complex project, both in the sculpture assembly and the potential amount of detail. It is also designed to sit on a rotating display tray (such as the ones from Cal-Mil, formerly Gourmet Display, or Buffet Enhancements). However, carvers should simplify the design to fit their needs and abilities, whether it be making the sculpture just one-sided or limiting the detail.
The full design requires two and one quarter blocks. One head/body component is removed from one block, and the base is carved from the remainder by splitting the block and welding the two halves together. The bottom of the base measures approximately 20 inches while the top measures approximately 30 inches so as to catch drips coming off the fan.
The fan component is also welded together from two separate halves. Welds such as these (both for the fan and the base) are most easily accomplished by placing an uncut half on its side and then welding a cut half on top (see illustration). Once the weld has frozen solid in the freezer, the fan or base may turned so that the other half can be cut.

make sure to print out/trace two copies of the tail fan section of the template so that you end up with a template for the whole fan. (One of them should be reversed.)
Cutting the head/body components is straightforward with only one simple weld for each, but care must be taken to maintain the right angle of the weld surfaces to enable proper assembly.

you can add lots of intricate detail to the head, body, and fan feathers if you wish.
Detailing the fan can be made easier by primarily carving the “eyes” on one side and feather lines on the other. In reality, the peacock’s fan is quite intricate. A detailed view of a feather is provided for reference should you wish to take it this far.
By far the most difficult part of final assembly is putting the fan in place on the base component. The fan should be welded perpendicular to the weld line in the base, particularly if the sculpture will be moved. Once this is accomplished, the head/body components can be added and they should be used to help ensure the stability of the fan component.

front and side views of the design are helpful in visualizing the complete double-sided ice sculpture.
here’s a look at the real thing; jeez what a showboat 😆
notes, etc.
I’ve tried to avoid changing the text above as I can’t be sure what was part of the original newsletter text. Maybe someday I’ll find my copy. But all the images are here.
This was certainly one of the more elaborate designs that I created for an ice sculpting newsletter. I did in fact sculpt this design for the wedding of an Indian couple in New Orleans and it turned out well. I haven’t been able to find a picture, however, which I could kick myself for!
Later, I may add a couple photos of live peacocks for additional reference. This may also later turn out to be the place where I tell the story about the hotel I was at in China that had a white peacock and a “regular colored” peacock roaming free inside.
links and stuff
I do have another peacock ice sculpture design on the site; that one was by Ron Meyn and the peacock is sitting on a column. I will later try to add still another peacock ice sculpture that features a floral tail. If you have any questions about this peacock ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though.) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!