faqs: answering your ice sculpture questions

In the past, I’d just make up my own frequently asked questions according to my own personal experience. But these were the questions that people would ask about “ice sculptures” taken from google on 1/28/22. So let’s answer them! Later, I’ll throw in a few that I think are missing at the end. For most of the questions, I’ll give my short answer for each and then qualify it as necessary.

how much do ice sculptures typically cost?

This is a tough question, simply because it’s such a general question. Ice sculptures can be huge or tiny and the sculptor’s skill and the sculpture’s level of detail are big factors. I’m going off of the range that I see and hear about for most of the at-least-competent ice sculptors that I know. Here, we’re talking about a single block sculpture (made from one 300lb. block) and in U.S. dollars. Not those Canadian fake dollars.

how long do ice sculptures last?

4-6 hours
Again, kinda general question. When I say 4-6 hours, I mean how long does much of a normal sized sculpture’s detail last in a room temperature-ish setting. And I also mean 4-6 hours from the start of the event. Ice sculptures are typically set up 1 to 1 1/2 hours before the event starts. If you want to know how long will it take for the sculpture to completely melt away, that’s probably until the next day.

If the conditions at the event aren’t right though, then all bets are off. A sculpture sitting in a hot, humid environment with a lot of air movement MIGHT last two hours. A sculpture sitting in direct sunlight on a warm day might collapse in a hour or two. Some competition sculptures are designed to last just long enough to be judged. There are lots of variables.

But the important thing is that the sculptor generally designs a sculpture to last through the event that it’s being created for. Most parties aren’t more than 4-6 hours long.
P.S. If you do find yourself with the problem that all your parties are way too long and the ice sculptures aren’t lasting, maybe add me to the guest list next time? Please? πŸ™

Here’s a post that goes into more depth answering “how long do ice sculptures last?”

how do you make ice sculptures?

Generally, an ice sculptor will create an ice sculpture from a large block of clear ice. He or she may do this with a variety of hand and power tools and may get an assist from a computer controlled cnc machine. It is possible to mold an ice sculpture, but there are a lot of tradeoffs with molding ice, so it’s not often done these days.

what are people who make ice sculptures called?

ice sculptors and sometimes ice carvers
You can also call us amazingly talented and ridiculously good-looking. We like that! 🀣

why are ice sculptures so clear?

Most ice sculptures are made from special blocks of clear ice.
Ice sculptors usually try to create sculptures that are as clear as possible. (This is actually often a judging consideration for competition ice sculptures.) So, to that end, ice sculptors use the clearest ice blocks that they can, which are usually made with dedicated ice block machine. Ideally, the only parts of an ice sculpture that aren’t clear should be the ones that the sculptor doesn’t want to be.

Note: eventually, when I stop procrastinating and get around to it, I’ll link to posts/pages on this site that talk about clear ice blocks, cloudy ice blocks, and times when ice sculptors don’t want the ice to be clear.

why do ice sculptures not melt?

They DO melt, but it might seem like they don’t because they’re quite a bit larger than an ice cube.
As long as it’s above freezing, an ice sculpture will either be melting or warming up and getting ready to start melting. But they might melt more slowly than you expect because they’re large, they’re made from clear ice that’s melts a bit slower, or they just came out of a very cold freezer and haven’t gotten around to the melting part yet.

how do you do ice sculptures?

With a chainsaw!
Ice sculptors use tons of different tools, ranging from computer controlled CNC machines to traditional ice sculpting hand tools, but the chainsaw is definitely the loudest and coolest! 😎

how do you keep ice sculptures frozen?

In a freezer, mostly.

how do you start ice carving?

Most ice sculptors probably learn from someone else, in an apprentice-like situation.
There aren’t really schools for ice sculpting. There are, however, seminars taught by experienced ice sculptors and some culinary programs incorporate ice sculpting instruction. Or, you COULD read through this entire site, ask a lot of questions and try to learn it on your own! (That one is my favorite option.)

what is the point of ice sculptures?

I wish I knew πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
I’m kinda kidding, but not totally. Sometimes, maybe depending on the sculpture, this has crossed my mind. But usually, there are a number of good answers to this question. Mostly though, because they’re AMAZING! And visually fascinating! Honestly, from the first time that I ever saw an ice sculpture, I couldn’t look away and haven’t looked away for decades now. The interplay between lighting and the facets of a well done ice sculpture can be mesmerizing. And this, in addition to their ephemeral nature, is why ice sculptures are often used for a WOW factor at special events.

what happens ice sculpture?

What the hell, google? Are you drunk? I thought you wanted to be SkyNet when you grew up πŸ™„ Do better!

how do you transport an ice sculpture?

Very carefully, with cushioning and protective insulation.
Sometimes they are moved in a refrigerated transport, but often they aren’t since they won’t melt much right away if they’re properly wrapped and insulated. Quite honestly, I’ve driven about 17 hours with an ice sculpture in the back seat of my truck, just well wrapped and chilled with dry ice. (Definitely not typical though and you have to know what you’re doing with the dry ice for a variety of reasons!)

how long does an ice luge last?

It depends on what kind of ice luge it is, how it’s made, and how drinks are being poured through it.
There are two kinds of ice luges: tube and track. A tube luge is an ice sculpture with a funnel and tube frozen into it. It will last as long as the ice sculpture is standing and the tube stays frozen in it, which will probably be several hours in most cases. On the other hand, the drink that you pour through it doesn’t get chilled much because of the insulation of the tube.

A track luge is a sculpture or ice block with a channel cut into the ice and the poured drink flows through the channel in the ice itself. Track luges last as long as the channel stays intact. If you pour hot tea instead of chilled tequila through your track luge…well, I don’t have to actually explain what will happen, do I?

how much is an ice luge?

This range depends on the kind of luge we’re talking about. (see above) If it’s an ice block with a channel cut in it, it’ll be at the lower end. If it’s a highly detailed sculpture with multiple tube luges, then it’ll be more toward the high end.

how do you make a homemade ice luge?

I’ve seen little freeze-at-home ice luge kits. (If I find a link for one, I’ll add it.) Or, you can buy an ice block from a local ice supplier and cut a track into the block with a router or something. This can be very dangerous if you’re not tool-savvy, so I can’t say recommend it. Plus, luge usefulness results may vary depending on how well you cut the track. Finally, not to be homemade or used inside the home, unless you’re moving out and don’t care about losing your deposit. Super messy.