ice sculpting ebooks

Hey, did you know I wrote I book? Actually, I wrote 3 ice sculpting ebooks. None of them ever made it to tree-killing paper versions and they weren’t all that long, but they still took a while to put together and seemed pretty damn useful. From my biased point of view, at least.

And guess what? You can have them very soon, maybe even for FREE! I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do with them, but I’ve managed to find them at least πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ A couple are a little out of date, so I’m thinking about updating them first. But I’ll likely offer the Halloween ice sculpture ebook for free if you sign up for the ice sculpting secrets email list. (It won’t be a spammy list, promise!)

The other two ice sculpting ebooks have Thanksgiving designs and holiday designs. You can see the “covers” below. We still have a while before you’ll need them, but it’s coming quick, so I’m working on fixing things now.Β 

Oh, and also, I’ve written a couple of other books too. I mean, I had to do something during the pandemic, right? They’re not totally finished yet and one is a collaboration with a couple of other excellent ice sculptors, but they’re pretty darn close. But hopefully, I’ll have stuff to post here about them soon. (And I’m NOT talking about the ebook that “Ice man” published on Amazon with my stolen content 🀬)

Also, I’ve long been wanting to put together an ice sculpting ebook on fishy-related ice sculpture designs called “Aquatica.” I don’t know why, but that one seems an interesting project. But remember, I’m lazy. So don’t hold your breath. I’ve started on it, but like George R.R. Martin, I might die πŸ’€ before it’s done 😒