a scorching firebird ice sculpture design

firebird ice sculpture design by Dawson List

the firebird is also known as the phoenix and symbolizes rebirth.

updated 7/14/23 with mostly formatting/seo

a fierce firebird ice sculpture design

This firebird ice sculpture was designed for a “Fire and Ice” themed event. I don’t have a side view for this piece at the moment, so it would be up to you to decide on that aspect. This sculpture design could be enhanced with reddish-orange lighting to complete the fire theme. Feel free to add more detail to the bird, but don’t overdo it, or you will detract from the flame look. When I get a picture of this carving, I’ll add it to this page.

firebird ice sculpture design template

if you cut the firebird from a thinner piece of ice, you may need to add a stabilizing base.

Depending on how thick you need the piece to be, you can sculpt your firebird ice sculpture from a full thickness block or from as little as a five inch thick slab (if only a slab is used, however, a wider base must be welded on.) The thicker block will produce the more “realistic” carving, but the main goal with this piece is to create a dramatic, dynamic silhouette, so a thinner version can work well also.

mirrored firebirds ice sculpture design example to demonstrate a possible display

the asymmetrical design lends itself well to using opposite-facing versions of the sculpture, perhaps to flank another element set between the birds.

Above, you can see how pairing mirrored versions of the sculpture can make an effective presentation. These pieces can also be placed on either side of a logo or a larger sculpture.

reversed firebird ice sculpture design

Here, I’ve included the mirrored design and template at the same size as the original version. (above and below)

reversed firebird ice sculpture design template
cutout diagram for firebird ice sculpture design

removing the section indicated in red will do a lot for your firebird ice sculpture’s silhouette

links and stuff

If you have any questions about my firebird ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though.) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.

You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!

earlier comments

The following comment was on the original blog entry. After some technical difficulties etc., the blog was reconstructed, and this was the only way to keep the original comments. Unfortunately, the hyperlinks from the original comments are gone in some cases. You can add your own new comments at the bottom.

Texas Ice Carving

thanks for the great designs, your web site is a big help. Thanks, Rudy  www.texasicecarving.com (this URL doesn’t work anymore 😢)

Monday, June 30, 2008 – 03:48 PM



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