you can tell the REALLY old designs from the copyrights. Especially when I didn’t even have ice carving secrets on it. I designed this stork with baby ice sculpture way back when I lived in NM.
updated 7/15/23 with seo, links, and gender reveal ideas.
"Special delivery," a flying stork with baby ice sculpture
This design was published in a newsletter some time in 2002. It’s pictured above with an extra base piece to raise it up from the tray a bit. Here’s the original text and design from On Ice:
Special Delivery
by Dawson List, New Orleans, LA
Designed for a baby shower, this piece is carved from about one and a half blocks of ice. The two horizontal wing welds are easily hidden amongst the stork’s feathers and excess ice can be cut into slabs to elevate the sculpture. Simplifying the clouds can leave space for a snowfilled message.

often, it’s easier to cut the stork’s wings from one piece of ice and then split it. Then both wings are detailed an attached. Or, you can detail them after attachment, as long as your welds are good.
gender reveal potential!
In the other stork with baby ice sculpture design post, I talk briefly about gender reveals and ice sculptures. Why haven’t I seen a viral video with an ice sculpted gender reveal yet? Maybe this design is how it happens! You could engrave the right “It’s a …!” message into the clouds and then cover it up with white ice in front. Give the client the smallest hammer you can find and let them at it 🤣 I’m going to see if I can convince someone to try this 🙂 And hopefully later, I can update this post again with designs and details of how it went down.
links and stuff
I already mentioned that there’s another stork with baby ice sculpture design on the site for baby showers. There’s also a sitting elephant and a pacifier. And if you have any questions about THIS stork with baby ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though.) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!