heart vase ice sculpture design

heart vase ice sculpture design with Happy Mother's Day

with the heart vase ice sculpture design, you can add flowers by making the top flat and using it as pedestal or you can cut into the ice and cut out an interior space. I think I’ve only done the latter with this particular design though.

updated 10/31/23 with the floral video and 7/9/23 with seo and more words for you to read

my heart vase ice sculpture design

This single block design would work for a Mother’s Day brunch or Valentine’s Day, but it could also be easily adapted for weddings. I MIGHT have had it in a newsletter a while back, but I’m not totally sure one way or the other 🤷‍♂️

heart vase ice sculpture design template with Happy Mother's Day

the font on this one is Apple Chancery. I use Mac computers and this has always been an easy one for me to use. So you’ll probably see it a lot on my older designs. 

In most cases, I don’t cut into a sculpture to add flowers. Instead of hollowing out the ice, I generally will make a flat surface on the top of the sculpture. The floral is usually arranged on a flat plastic dish, and then is placed on top of the sculpture, with a napkin between the plastic dish and the ice to keep the flowers in place. Check the video below for more.

However, with this heart vase ice sculpture, you can do either one. Since the vase section doesn’t extend all the way through the sculpture, you can hollow out the top section for floral, stems and all. Alternatively, you can make the top of the sculpture flat by just not cutting away the divot at the top of the vase, making the sculpture like a pedestal.

Joe Rimer of Ice Pro Ice Sculptures shows how to add flowers to ice vases or any sort of ice sculpture, really.


The design for my heart vase ice sculpture here is obviously for Mother’s Day. But it could just as easily be for Valentine’s Day or a wedding. Just change the words.

additional stuff

I have other Mother’s Day ice sculpture designs in the roundup post. If you have any questions about my heart vase ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though since this post is kinda old 🤷‍♂️) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.

You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!



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