block letter MOM ice sculpture design for Mother’s Day

my latest Mother's Day ice sculpture design, a MOM ice sculpture with color rose for Mother's Day

this is the NEW and IMPROVED version of the MOM ice sculpture design. I explain why it’s improved below, but it still uses a half block slab and a base piece, like the original design.

updated 7/8/23 with new pics and info

my basic MOM ice sculpture design

My MOM ice sculpture design is another one that has long been a part of my Mother’s Day collection. If you carve this piece out of a thin slab (40”x20”x4-5”, then you should add a base for stability (not shown in the template; 20”x10”x4”).

For the new design, I tapered the bottom of the sculpture to that it can fit (and melts into) a smaller tray. along with that it requires a little less ice since the base is smaller. I also added a color rose/flower that you colorfill from the back of the sculpture. The letter shapes needed a little tweaking too. Finally, I threw in some bubble details, although you might notice that I’m a little inconsistent as to where I put them.

By the way, you don’t HAVE to make it color. A white snowed rose is just fine! Mess with the design all you want. You can see that in the picture at the top, I added a little edge detail that’s not in the design. I’m sure that next year, I’ll make some other adjustments to the design and it evolves in my head.

horizontal block letter MOM ice sculpture design, featuring a color flower

see the gradient in the flower? Since it’s not super important that I have an exact match like with a logo or something, I added just a little pink to the red so that I’ve have a little variation.

MOM with rose Mother's Day ice sculpture

this is how I used to make my MOM ice sculpture, just like the DAD version, but with a cute flower in the middle of the “O”.

horizontal block letter MOM ice sculpture design template (featuring a color flower)

this is how I used to make my MOM ice sculpture, just like the DAD version, but with a cute flower in the middle of the “O”.

the old version of my MOM ice sculpture design

block letter MOM ice sculpture design

here’s the original version that I used to use. You can see it’s not terribly different from the new version, but there are significant tweaks!

my MOM ice sculpture design for a CNC

horizontal block letter MOM ice sculpture design template for CNC (featuring a color flower)

this is what my CNC version of my MOM ice sculpture design looks like. In this unusual case, it doesn’t matter which side you engrave it on, since MOM looks the same forwards and backwards. I suppose you could care which way the flower 🌺 is oriented, but really?

Starting this past Easter, I did a lot of my brunch sculptures on my CNC. Mother’s Day was no different and I’ll be posting new CNC versions of most of my Mother’s Day ice sculpture designs, as I get around to designing them.

Note the line that runs along the bottom of the sculpture. A lot of times, I’ll add a shallow line to help me add bubbles with my bubble bit. I already have it on a dedicated die grinder and I have yet to try a bubble bit on my CNC, so that’s how I’m handling it for now.

other stuff

If you have any questions about my MOM ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though, since the born on date for this design is so long ago 🤬) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.

You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!



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