a closeup shot of the dragon’s head
updated 8/27/23 with updated info, links, and seo
an ice dragon from ice
I’ve added a few pictures of my ice dragon sculpture that I worked on in late 2004 and early 2005, before we had to take our extended vacation from New Orleans. It suffered a less than glamorous death (which is the topic of another post that I probably have yet to restore to the site), but I can assure you it was painless 😜 Later, I may be able to add more photos. But we’ll see; I think I lost some of the pics when my camera bag was stolen from my truck a while back 😢 When I go back to work on the galleries for the restored site, I’ll restore the full gallery.
This ice dragon is one of the best ice sculptures I’ve ever done by myself and it’s certainly the most time consuming piece I’ve worked on. Below I have a photo of the sculpture in progress. Maybe at a later date, I can post a design/template for this sculpture. Hope you like the pics!

ok, so I reversed the view on this one; the back of my ice dragon doesn’t have the same level of detail 😞 (It literally can’t unless I want to degrade the look of the photo.)

this ice dragon DEFINITELY required a template.
links and stuff
You could also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account or the facebook page. You can comment there as well as below. And if it won’t LET you comment below, then definitely comment on fb and/or IG. Thanks!