my crowned Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture, carved some time back, by hand
my crowned Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture design
updated some 5/17/23 when I restored it to iss
My crowned Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture design has long been a fixture in my New Orleans themed pieces and was originally based on a mask design by Ohio and Illinois ice sculptor Jeff Stahl. I know, it’s a bit ironic that a very New Orleans ice sculpture design didn’t really originate in New Orleans
adding the colors of Mardi Gras
The colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. The color in the photo above comes from sand added from the back of the carving. Now, however, I use glitter, which works much better for a Mardi Gras look, particularly for the gold. However, I may go back to sand if my efforts to find a good biodegradable glitter don’t work out.
A medium-sized spade bit is used to drill holes in the back of the carving (about 1.5 inches deep) and the holes are cleared out and melted a bit. While the carving is laying down on its face, a layer of glitter is added and snow and slush are carefully used to fill the holes, trapping the color inside.
The design shown is slightly different from the photo, but the basics are the same. The added pieces can be cut from a slab or from extra pieces of ice. It’s very important for the welds to be very clean or they’ll affect the look of the piece.

I particularly like the swirl designs in the base of my crowned Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture.
how does this design fit in with Mardi Gras
New Orleans’ version of Carnival, Mardi Gras has a LONG tradition of masking. Riders on the parade floats are actually required to wear masks. And of course, the Mardi Gras balls also have many maskers.
In theory, you can get in trouble in Nola for wearing a mask on any day EXCEPT Mardi Gras, but that’s not really a problem. New Orleans has tons of events where a lot of people are wearing masks. Halloween is also kind of a big thing here too, for example.
The tiny crown on the design works well with the idea of Mardi Gras royalty. Mardi Gras krewes will designate a king and queen each year. One krewe’s king, Rex, is considered the King of Mardi Gras, at least on that Tuesday! There’s even a proclamation by the mayor to that effect and a lot of ceremony goes along with it.
So, if you think about it, along with Hawaii (Hawaii has kings, from the native Hawaiian islanders), New Orleans has a very rare form of American royalty. Only for a little while each year though

how would it work on a CNC machine?
My crowned Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture will be a GREAT addition to my CNC library the next time I need it. It won’t be without its challenges though. I’ll have to make sure I nail the double-sided engraving (either that, or I’ll have to cut the color holes by hand). I’ll also get a chance to use a v-bit on the graceful swirls, which will be fun!
for more info and some guidelines
If you have any questions about my crowned Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though.) There are other mask designs on the site (or will be shortly). I’ll add links here to them later, or check the design page.
If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets facebook page and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!