based on a design by Mitsuo Shimizu, this design depicts a stern-looking American bald eagle.
my bald eagle ice sculpture
4/5/23 a bit when added to the new site, and then again 5/9/23 because, holy crap!, I misspelled Shimizu’s name TWICE! And in different ways 😲 Oh, and then I changed the design name and changed 💩 7/2/23 😬
I have only used this design once or twice, as somehow I misplaced the design and typically would carve the more standard piece depicting an eagle on the verge of taking off or landing. When I drew it, I’d based the design on one by master ice carver Mitsuo Shimizu in his 2nd volume (green jacket) on ice sculpture. Shimizu’s design was a more generic eagle and not surprisingly, didn’t look much like a bald eagle. By the way, if you’re curious if an eagle could actually turn its head like this, the answer is “yes.” They’re not quite as twisty as owls, but they can turn their heads about 180 degrees.

The crag could easily be replaced by another design element and the piece could be used for all sorts of events, particularly those with a patriotic theme. Make sure that the tail has a least a small attachment to the base, as it’s essential for the support strength.
I got to see a lot of bald eagles 🦅
Well after I first designed this bald eagle ice sculpture, I finally got to see a lot of bald eagles in the same place. I’d sort of assumed that it would eventually happen during one of my trips to Alaska, but I suppose my trips there are generally at the wrong time of year 🥶
But I also I used to go do sculptures for a winter festival in Iowa, in the Quad Cities area. The eagles apparently spend a lot of time there because they can get to the fish in the Mississippi River even though it’s winter. I could sometimes see 20 bald eagles at a time when I was there! 🦅
bald eagle on crag ice sculpture?
On a completely different topic, it’s occasionally frustrating writing these posts while simultaneously trying to make content that Google likes. The original title of this design, “bald eagle on crag ice sculpture” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. Also, it makes me think of bald eagle on crack No, there will never be a “bald eagle on crack ice sculpture” on this site
Anyway, I gave up and retitled this “bald eagle ice sculpture,” since I didn’t have something else with that exact title. I do have and American eagle, a soaring eagle, and an eagle mascot though. And they are all either definitely or probably bald eagles!
In the meantime, I’ll go and look for some eagle pics from Iowa. I know I have at least one good one somewhere. It’s not on a crag though; it’s in a tree. Sadly, I couldn’t get a photo of some eagles that were fighting over a fish above the river; such an amazing thing to watch! Most of the eagles were too far away to get a pic without a long lens. But I was still a bit obsessed!
for more info and some guidelines
If you have any questions about this piece, email me or comment below. If you would like to use my bald eagle ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets facebook page and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!