I used to call this design my twin hearts ice sculpture design. But now it’s my two hearts ice sculpture design. I’m sure you noticed this major change immediately 🙄
updated and expanded 6/24/23 when added to iss
my two hearts ice sculpture design
This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday (no, not this year, back in 2009), which many see as the perfect day to get married. So, there will be a lot of heart-themed sculptures going out on that day! Here’s one design that I came up with late last year. Two heart designs are common, but I’ve stylized the hearts some to give it a different look. You’ll need a 40”x20”x4-5” slab along with a 20”x10”x4” base piece (not shown). You can cut the centers out or leave the ice in place and perhaps engrave the couple’s names. In most cases of course, the bride’s name would go in the top heart because it’s her day, not his.

big surprise 🙄 this piece needs a stabilizing base after you cut it from 4-5″ thick slab of ice
design variations?
Basically, I’d say the different design variation for this comes down to not cutting the centers of the hearts out and adding names, which of course I already mentioned above. Since I have no idea what names might be added, there are literally no changes to the design, at least until you add whatever names you need.

here’s an example of a two hearts ice sculpture in a VERY melted state (near the end of a bridal fair). Sadly, this crappy pic is the only one I have of this design.
to CNC or not to CNC?
This is a very good candidate for my CNC and I’ll post an update when I run it on my machine.
for more info and some guidelines
If you have any questions about my two hearts ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though if it’s been a while.) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets IG account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!