could be my rabbit is a little angry, but I’d rather think of him as “focused”
a running rabbit ice sculpture design for Easter
updated 4/5/23 a bit when added to the new site
This is (was) a new design, and it’s something I’ll be including with my Easter design ideas that I’ll present to my clients around the end of February. This isn’t an Easter Bunny kind of rabbit; it’s more of a jackrabbit. But it might work for those who want to do something a little different, but not too different. Guess I’ll find out.
By the way, it IS the year of the rabbit this year. I’m a little late posting this for that, but just so you know! Your Year of the rabbit ice sculpture design awaits!

watch the front legs; they’re easy to break off
sculpting this rabbit can be a little tricky
The dotted line indicates a little extra ice left until the carving is nearly complete. It will support the front legs a bit, particularly during attachment to the base. Also, since there is quite a bit of extra ice, you can make the base significantly larger if you prefer. It could even be large enough for a message or a small logo.
Beware of the balance on this piece. In theory, you could cut the base free right away, then turn the block onto the rabbit’s head and back to freeze the base on (Or even just start out your sculpting with it upside down!)

if you start your sculpting with the rabbit upside down, it’s pretty easy to cut out and attach the base, then remove the ice by the back legs. This will make sculpting simpler when you turn it over to sculpt it right side up.
If you have any questions about this piece, email me or comment below. If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets facebook page and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!