a swimming seahorse ice sculpture design

seahorse ice sculpture

even though I first created this swimming seahorse ice sculpture for a bar mitzvah, it could also work at Father’s Day brunch and a lot of other events.

updated 7/10/23 with more info and seo tweaks

my favorite seahorse ice sculpture design

I’ve made quite a few seahorse ice sculptures over the years, but this one is probably my favorite (partly because it’s not very heavy 😜) It was initially posted on the facebook fan page some time ago without much description.

For the sculpture above, the design below was used, but with a couple of important differences. The seahorse itself was carved from a 4-5” thick slab of ice. A stabilizing base, approximately 20”x10”x4”, was attached during carving and is not visible in the photo. Also, additional ice was added to the sides of the neck for the pectoral fins, so that they would extend out slightly from the main body.

seahorse ice sculpture design

The intent of this design was to present a strong and dynamic silhouette for the piece and the base of the sculpture is angled so that it breaks the confines of the block. When all was said and done, the client loved the piece and I look forward to my next opportunity to sculpt it.

seahorse ice sculpture design template

you can use a bubble or pebble bit to make the bubble in the water. Remember to plan to attach your seahorse to a stabilizing base piece.

seahorse ice sculpture ridge diagram

seahorses have ridges along their bodies and I don’t do a great job diagramming them in the regular design. So here’s a look at how the ridges run down their bodies.

the Father's Day version of my seahorse ice sculpture design

I wouldn’t be surprised if you were wondering why a seahorse ice sculpture would be a good fit for Father’s Day brunch. Seahorse dads are highly unusual in the animal kingdom it that they’re heavily involved in reproduction. This article from the University of Sydney talks about how they’re actually the ones who get pregnant, rather than the females. They give birth to as many as a 1000 babies, called fry, so they’re kind of SUPERDADS!

seahorse ice sculpture design for Father's Day
seahorse ice sculpture design template for Father's Day

more links and stuff

This design is included in my Father’s Day ice sculpture design collection. If you have any questions about my swimming seahorse ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though, since it can be kinda sucky 🤬) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.

You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!



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