this menorah ice sculpture is a simpler version of an earlier design
updated 7/12/23 with brief additions and seo
a menorah ice sculpture design
You’ll notice that this design is very similar to another recent addition, the large Hanukkah menorah ice sculpture design. This is a scaled down version that might find more use than the large freestanding piece. This design can be cut from a single block if ice, with ice left over.

candle safety
Again, the piece is designed to fit shorter candles that are 3 inches in diameter. When smaller diameter candles are used, cut appropriate size holes. Taller candles require deeper holes since they will lean and can tip if there’s too much melting. (This happens a lot with bottles, but bottles aren’t on fire! 🔥) In this case, the holes are only about an inch deep and appropriate for short candles. If very tall and large candles are used, the ice section can be made thicker to accommodate deeper holes. Clear all the snow out of the holes that would hinder placement of the candles.
Whenever fire is involved, common sense precautions must be taken. Nothing flammable should be placed near the sculpture and any ceiling or hanging decor must be high enough for safety. Be sure that the menorah is always standing straight and that the candles are sitting securely. Check periodically through the event that the candles are staying in place. If there’s any question at all about the safety of the piece, put out the candles or even take down the sculpture if necessary.
links and stuff
If you have any questions about my menorah ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though.) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.
You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!