big time freezer meltdown is about as much fun as you’d think

a clear ice block from a Clinebell-type ice block machine

this is a Clinebell-type ice block, meaning the kind of machine it’s made in. The special machine makes blocks that are almost completely clear and ice sculptors usually prefer them.

updated 8/27/23

a freezer meltdown is bad for your ice

Is there a bright side to an ice sculptor’s freezer meltdown?

…while you’re out of town…

…for several days.

I had to struggle mightily to find one, for sure. I found a teeny tiny one. Unfortunately, it’s almost all that I could come up with.

Here it is: I get to see what shapes ice blocks slowly melt down into when they’re standing on an insulted floor and they don’t fall over. Here they are, a couple minutes out of the “freezer”:

after a freezer meltdown, these melted ice blocks on a cart were about the only ice left

Turns out they kind of look like axe blades without an axe handle sticking out. I suppose I could have reasoned out what they would look like, but it hadn’t occurred to me that I’d want to know. Now you know and you don’t have to try it yourself.

You’re welcome.

Oh, and I did think of one other bright side with a freezer meltdown this bad: no decisions to make about what to keep, what you could probably fix or redetail. Just start again from scratch 🤷‍♂️

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