15 New Years ice sculpture designs, with 1 crappy one, plus a bonus

welcome 2024 ladder design ice sculpture

this is a newer New Years ice sculpture design; it was so new that I just finished right before New Years and got last minute client approval for it. So far, I just call it the ladder design. The idea is that most of the directional lines will be carved on the back, while the main design elements will be engraved on the front. I need to fix what’s behind “welcome” though. Working on a design post for this piece with multiple future years included.

updated 5/16/24 with a pic of the ladder sculpture above and info about it. Plus I updated all the designs to 2025 versions.

a pile of New Years ice sculpture designs

Ok, let’s be honest, this post is πŸ’©. It’s not a real post, it’s a list. But it serves a purpose, compiling all the New Years ice sculpture designs in one place where you can look at them and compare, and maybe even pick one to use yourself. I’ve done this for the other holidays (or most, I think πŸ€”), but I’ve inexplicably spaced putting together this sort of post New Years, until now. Or if I did, I can’t find it.

So, no extraneous extras. Just the list. I’ll fix it later with a lot of other useless blather. Spellchecking/grammar is probably a mess. I might not have even added the pics yet at this point. Look for yourself to see…Β 

the list of design links

The design with the ladder featured at the beginning isn’t here, btw. It’s too new and I haven’t made a post for it. You can use it, but grab it from the pic at the top. But here are the others.

champagne display with monogram
champagne glass
champagne spray
clock for New Year’s (Two Minutes to Midnight)
β€œHappy New Year!”
martini glass
martini glass luge
martini with olive luge
star, art deco
star luge
stars luge
stars of the party

Welcome 2025 ice sculpture design for New Years


a pretty simple New Years ice sculpture: mostly just a 2025.

monogram champagne ice display ice sculpture

champagne display with monogram

Ok, the pic above doesn’t look like this design is for NYE. But you can fix it. It’s adaptable. The champagne is the important part.

champagne glass ice sculpture design

champagne glass

If I have to explain this, then what’s really the point?

Happy 2025 champagne spray ice sculpture design

champagne spray

ditto, same for this design as above

Happy 2025 clock ice sculpture design

clock for New Year’s (Two Minutes to Midnight)

This design could also work for the Doomsday clock. Probably get rid of the “HAPPY” then though ☠️😱 But that’s a little dark for New Years, isn’t it? 😜

Happy New Year ice sculpture design

Happy New Year!

I like this one because I never have to update it 😊😊😊

2025 hourglass ice sculpture design


“Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives.” Cheesy bit from an old tv show, but it kinda works here, for this design. And no idea why I made this design image so much larger than the others (at least on a computer, probably not your phone) πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

martini glass ice sculpture design

martini glass

Simple and straightforward. Not even a luge on this one.

martini glass ice luge design and use diagram

martini glass luge

Oh, here’s a New Years ice sculpture design with a luge. I’ve actually done variations of this over the years for NYE. Last year was the latest.

martini with olive ice luge design

martini with olive luge

Another one with a luge. But this one is fancy because it has an olive.

art deco star ice sculpture design template with "Happy 2025!"

art deco star

This New Years ice sculpture is simple and elegant.

stars ice sculpture design


I kind of think this one is more of a sideshow than the main attraction. But whatever you want πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

star ice luge design

star luge

a relatively easy tube luge design

stars ice luge design

stars luge

stars of the party ice sculpture design - final version

stars of the party

Oops, I saved the not-the-best for last. (Damn alphabet!!) You might have to make some changes for this design to work as a New Years ice sculpture. Maybe a 2024 and a 2025 instead of the initials? But this design isn’t the greatest that I’ve ever come up with. The post is more about working out one time designs than coming up with a useful design that you’d use regularly. So maybe go back and look at some of the others instead?

links and stuff

‘K that’s it for my New Years ice sculptures. I have other stuff to do, so this is all you get so far. Like SO MANY other parts of this website, I’ll fix it later.

Check out the design page for many more ice sculpture designs. Also, check out the design usage guidelines to see what uses are permitted.

You could also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account or the facebook page. ice sculpting secrets is also on TikTok (at this point, you can be one of my VERY early followers, lol), although videos there aren’t really tied to posts as much. You can comment on IG and fb as well as below. And if it won’t LET you comment below, then definitely comment on fb and/or IG. Thanks!



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