ice sculpting videos: I’ve found the coolest stuff on YouTube

a still from one of the most famous ice sculpting videos, the collapse of Birth of the Bluebird

a still from one of the most famous ice sculpting videos on YouTube, Junichi’s Bluebird crash

updated 10/23/23: New content, the video, seo, etc. Please note, that despite the title, I HAVEN’T FOUND ALL THE COOLEST STUFF YET. I’m still working on that. But I found the coolest title, lol

ice sculpting videos on YouTube and elsewhere

Before, I’d started this post with “YouTube has a number of interesting ice carving videos.” Now, about 16 years later, YouTube has more than just “a number” of interesting and awesome ice sculpting videos.

Regrettably, in the 16 years in between, I only managed to upload 8 more videos than I had when I first posted this (1). It’s almost like I didn’t hear the news that videos are kind of a big deal 🀣 Working on fixing that, but we’ll see, lol!

There is an ice sculpting secrets YouTube channel, but, like I said, there are only 9 videos there as I write this. I’ve also started a TikTok account, but there are exactly 0 videos there at the moment. Sad!! 😒😬 (Both of these failings SHOULD change shortly, however!)

so far, this is one of my favorite “newer” ice sculpting videos (even though it’s still pretty old). It’s very well done! It even shows a version of the Bluebird crash!

In my list of favorites on my YouTube channel, I had videos featuring sculptures from Okamoto Studios, a video with former Nationals champ Bill Covitz, and a Fear No Ice performance (but it was from kind of far away). There were also several videos from competitions, including the famous video of Junichi’s “Bluebird” sculpture collapsing in Fairbanks. As part of my homework for updating this post, I’m revising and expanding my list of favorites. Some of them sucked πŸ’© and I’m sure I’m missing a lot of newer stuff. I might even add some more of my own videos too 😯

If you find other awesome ice sculpting videos that you think I should include in my favorites, let me know. Probably best to reach out via fb or IG though; see below.

links and things

I’ll add more links later, assuming I don’t forget that this page needs more links. I should definitely link to the video page though, don’t you think?

You could also find photos and/or info related to this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account or the facebook page. You can comment there since I probably haven’t fixed the comments section on old posts yet πŸ˜• Thanks!



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