Jeff Stahl sculpts ice in competition: new pic sequence (21)

Pegasus ice sculpture by Jeff Stahl

Jeff Stahl puts the finishing touches on his Pegasus sculpture at a 2007 Hunter Ice Festival ice carving competition. Photo by Janet Crouch.

updated 10/20/23; the linked gallery has been restored, which was the main roadblock. Fixed seo, titles, and made assorted small changes.

Jeff Stahl sculpts ice in competition sequence

In 2007, Jeff Stahl competed at the Hunter Ice Festival in Niles, MI. (17 pics) His Pegasus sculpture there offered a preview of his sculptures at the National Championships in Downers Grove, IL (3 pics) and at the World Ice Art Championships in Fairbanks, AK. (1 pic) Because of his success at those events (first at Nationals and second in the realistic multiblock in Fairbanks) it’s fortunate that a patient photographer (Janet Crouch) took a long sequence of photos while he carved his sculpture in Niles.

I now have a shortened sequence in the photo gallery and I think it’s useful for a couple of reasons. Not only do you get to see the process involved in putting together a competition sculpture, but you get an insight into how successful carvers sometimes choose designs for competitions. Jeff was not just thinking about the event in Niles; he was also considering two other events in February and March. If you look at pieces by other high level carvers, you can sometimes see a similar approach. Elements from earlier sculptures often get integrated into later ones, often with very good results. Anyway, check out the sequence…

links and stuff

I’ll add more links later, assuming I don’t forget that this page needs more links. Jeff Stahl’s competition sequence is part of the step by step sequences on the site. Aside from his competition sequence, I would expect that I’m going to restore a gallery of Jeff Stahl’s ice. That link should certainly be here if I can get that done. I’d also put a link to Jeff’s ice sculpting business, but my understanding is that he’s currently focused on a new restaurant venture.

You could also find photos and/or info related to this entry on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account or the facebook page. You can comment there since I probably haven’t fixed the comments section on old posts yet 😕 Thanks!



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