Frost ice bar

Frost ice bar was in Boston. We visited when we were working on the giant Johnny Appleseed ice luge. More details to follow…

no useful info here yet, sorry

Uh, you read the subtitle right? Why are you even reading this then?!

so, where was it?

Like I said already, Boston πŸ™„

still more boring stuff that nobody reads

I’m slowly working on rebuilding my collection of ice sculpture galleries (like very slowly). I had a pretty impressive collection on the old ice carving secrets site, so I have all of those and many more to add as well. I’m dumping photo galleries onto the site as quickly as I can. My current estimate is that I will end up with at least 7 million photo galleries on the site. Oops, I meant 60. But that still means I have a long way to go. As for more like this, check out the selection of galleries from icy places.

Also, you might also find photos and info from this gallery on the ice sculpting secrets Instagram account or the facebook page. Since you can’t comment on this page, comment there if you have any thoughts or knowledge related to this event. Thanks!