fantastic ice sculptures from Ben Rand
Ben Rand is one of the most decorated ice sculptors in the world. He’s won the U.S. national ice sculpting championship, a world ice art championship, and an Olympic Arts Festival ice sculpting gold medal. That’s the trifecta of ice sculpting awards, at least from an American point of view. Plus, he won the Canadian Cup in 2018 at Ice Magic with Scott Harrison. (I was actually a judge at that event.)
Ben is based in Florida and his ice sculpture company is Ben Rand Ice Studio.
I’ve had the opportunity to sculpt against Ben in competition a few times and even had a chance to judge his ice art in Lake Louise at Ice Magic. He’s always acted with class and professionalism and is clearly a very talented ice artist. Most recently, Ben has again qualified for the Olympic ice sculpting event, to be held in 2026. Congrats!