scales of Justice ice sculpture design

scales of Justice ice sculpture with SULC logo

this scales of justice ice sculpture design was another one where I just stuck it on the old ice carving secrets site without a proper blog post. So now it gets a proper blog post.

the scales of justice ice sculpture design

While I’ve been reposting all the old ice carving secrets designs to ice sculpting secrets, once in a while I’ve come across a design that I can’t find a blog post for. My scales of justice ice sculpture design is one of those. Sometimes I’d post a design without going to the trouble of a blog post. I’ve evidently done this a few times; another example is the Easter bunny Rembrandt rabbit design that I reposted before.

scales of Justice ice sculpture design

I probably wouldn’t use a full block for this sculpture. The only benefit would be that the dishes would have more depth. I’d think a 4-5″ thick block would suffice.

who wants a scales of justice ice sculpture ?


And politicians.

If you were about to say, “What about judges?”, in Louisiana, judges are politicians 😬

The sculpture in the pic at the top says “SULC.” That’s the Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge, a school that I guess makes lawyers and politicians. If I recall correctly, I hand-sculpted that for an event at a party venue in Baton Rouge, apparently sometime around 2011 or earlier. I could find out exactly when, but is that really important for this post?

I haven’t made a scales of justice ice sculpture since, but it’s definitely one I want to keep in my catalog. That’s because it’s a simpler alternative to a Lady Justice sculpture. THAT one, unless you engrave it, is an expensive and problematic design, mostly because of the delicate scales that the lady holds in her left arm. Over the years, I’ve been asked to sculpt that piece a number of times, but customers might balk at how much I would charge to create an icy Lady Justice for them now. So the scales are a nice step down, but the same basic idea.

scales of Justice ice sculpture design template

as per usual, the templates for the scales of justice ice sculpture doesn’t show the base that needs to be frozen on for stability. The piece labeled “base” above would be part of the base, but more as an additional piece for elevation.

other design approaches

Off the top of my head, I’d say you could make scales of justice ice sculpture into an ice luge fairly easily. I’ve never tried it, but I’d think you’d definitely want to make the central post of the scales a bit wider to more easily accommodate the luge tubing.

Put the luge entry point at the top of the center post, where the small triangle piece would be added and then either exit the luge at the lower right side of the sculpture or run it straight down through the bottom, but elevate the sculpture with additional pieces of ice, to leave room for a glass, on either side of the base. When I get a chance, I’ll come up with example drawings.

how would it work on a CNC machine?

This is a solid CNC design candidate, especially if you have a lot of lawyer clients. If I had a lot of lawyer clients, I’d also look into the luge version that I mention above, as they’d probably get a kick out of that. But it’s a nice flat piece with a small spot for a logo, name, or message, so great for your CNC.

for more info and some guidelines

If you have any questions about my scales of justice ice sculpture design, email me or comment below. (It might not let you though.) If you would like to use this ice sculpture design or any other design on this site, please check the design usage guidelines. The design collection page lists designs on the site.

You might also find photos and info from this entry on the ice sculpting secrets facebook page and you can comment there as well as below. Thanks!



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