conical end mills are great for sculpting ice; 3 choices
Looking at how three different conical end mills cut through ice. Two larger bits are used on die grinders while an ice needle is used on a Dremel.
Looking at how three different conical end mills cut through ice. Two larger bits are used on die grinders while an ice needle is used on a Dremel.
Standard safety glasses work poorly for ice sculpting. Wire mesh safety glasses give ice sculptors another option for protecting their eyes.
Not surprisingly, YouTube has tons of “cool” ice sculpting videos. I’ve spent some time compiling my favorites on my channel.
This ice block spitting video demonstrates a basic ice sculpting technique: cutting an ice block into thinner ice slabs for various uses.
Jeff Stahl sculpts a Pegasus ice sculpture that offers a sneak peek of his later pieces at National and World Championship events.
This is a simple block letter DAD ice sculpture design for Father’s Day brunch. And it’s also similar to the first ice sculpture I ever made!
Ok, how about a ship wheel ice sculpture design for a nautical themed event? Or maybe the same design for Father’s Day brunch?
Patrick Endres has long been regarded as one of the best ice art photographers in the world because of his work at the championships in Alaska.
Originally designed as a high school mascot sculpture for a prom, this swooping owl ice sculpture design is also great for Halloween events.
The ice sculpting National Championship competition for 1993 was held in Youngstown, Ohio. I’ve added a gallery of photos from that event.