Muujii Muuji
Muujii Muuji is a Mongolian ice sculptor who I first met on my second trip to China. I saw him again on my third trip, when we were both judges for a competition. Most recently, I ran into some of his ice art in Germany, while I was visiting Eiswelt Elstal.
Muuji (also known as Munk Erdene Tsagaan) is seemingly always in a great mood, in my experience at least. He also speaks at least 3 languages: his native language, Mandarin, and English. (When he read this, he informed me that he also speaks Russian 😆) At any rate, when I couldn’t find a translator, I would frequently look to him to understand wth was going on during my last two trips to China 🤪Â
I’ll be adding more pics of Muujii’s ice art when I start pulling pix from my second trip to China.
When I first met Muujii Muuji, he was working on sculptures for the large ice displays that surrounded the competition that I was judging. I was impressed with his ice sculpting, but not as impressed as I would be later!
When I went into Eiswelt Elstal (this one links to the the ice display’s website), I was immediately struck by the wizard sculpture that you see in the gallery. Muujii Muuji and Uuganaa Enkhtaivan created a spectacular reverse relief wizard ice sculpture inside of one of the large clear ice blocks that are used at the display. I couldn’t get better pics with my phone, unfortunately, but this sculpture was fantastic and I kept going back to it!

I spent a little time with Muujii when we were judges at an ice sculpting competition in Nantong, China. Prior to my arrival however, it seemed that Muujii was busy creating ice art for the ice and snow park that housed the competition. Some of his ice art is above (the faerie scene). At left though, he goofs around with the top prize at the event, the Golden Egg.
With the exception of a few pictures that I took at Eiswelt Elstal and in China, the pictures here are courtesy of Muujii Muuji and are used with permission. (The icesculptingsecrets.com watermark on some isn’t a claim of ownership.)
More info and pics on the way!