nailboard: one of the most useful ice sculpting hand tools
A nailboard is ALMOST exactly like what it sounds like. (It has screws, not nails.) But ice sculptors use them for flattening large surfaces of ice.
A nailboard is ALMOST exactly like what it sounds like. (It has screws, not nails.) But ice sculptors use them for flattening large surfaces of ice.
This is the first ice sculpting quick tips archive. Basically these are random bits that occurred to me and didn’t fit anyplace else at the time.
Somehow, I managed to tie an ice sculpture of a unicorn and Hurricane Katrina to the great flood and Noah’s Ark. It’s a stretch though…
Different ice sculpting tools have different tool actions and effects on the ice. In this kinda boring post, I break down the various tool actions.
Here’s a unique Voodoo mask ice sculpture design, the likes of which you probably won’t find anywhere except maybe in New Orleans.
Mardi Gras often features jesters and masks and the Happy Mardi Gras mask ice sculpture design combines the 2 for a playful Mardi Gras showpiece.
I talk about methods for making and printing templates for ice sculptures, including how to make them with just a regular-sized office inkjet printer.
Clinebell-type ice blocks transformed the art of ice sculpting and also the ice industry. I suggest that they’re basically upside down freezing rivers.
Here’s an old article from a newsletter about prominent and not-so-prominent movie and tv ice sculptures. Now with videos! (a few anyway)
Looking at how three different conical end mills cut through ice. Two larger bits are used on die grinders while an ice needle is used on a Dremel.